
Gutenberg based React build Quiz Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gutenberg React Quiz Plugin

Gutenberg based Quiz Plugin. Use Gutenberg to build your quiz, use Gutenberg to display your quiz.

React powers it all.


There is currently 2 React Apps.

  • 1 is Gutenberg, so gutes-dev and gutes-build build and run those React components
  • 2 is the QuizApp React App which runs on the front end.


  • Clone
  • Run composer install
  • Run npm run build
  • Run npm run gutes-build



  • Creating a new Quiz (CPT)
  • Use Gutenberg to add questions
  • Go to a post or page running Gutenberg, use the Quiz Block to add the quiz

Question Types

  • Multiple Choice text choices
  • Single Text - you set all the possible correct answers
  • "YouTube Pause n' Ask" - embed a video, and pause at second and ask text or multiple choice

JavaScript Hooks

There are a number of wp.hooks I've implemented, and will be adding more as I go


function my_title( title, quiz_result ) {
    if ( 100 === quiz_result ) {
        return 'PERFECT SCORE!';
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'reactQuiz_complete_message_title', 'my_title', 10 );



  • reactQuiz_gutes_questions - array of block data
    • allBlocks - array of blocks (questions)

Quiz App

  • reactQuiz_load_question_component - select which component loads
    • returnComp - component to return
    • question - question (block name) being loaded
  • reactQuiz_quiz_final_state - runs when quiz is completed
    • final_state - object to pass into setState on quiz completion
  • reactQuiz_complete_message_title - title for complete message
    • title - current title
    • quiz_result - number representing % of correct answers
  • reactQuiz_complete_message - message for complete message
    • message - current message
    • quiz_result - number representing % of correct answers


Quiz App

  • reactQuiz_complete_react_quiz - fires when quiz completed
    • state - the whole state of the Quiz App


Question Types To Add

  • Video Embed w/ multiple choice
  • Multiple Choice - each choice an image
  • Textarea
  • Flip Single Text Question so you put in all incorrect answers


  • Add in hook to add more question types (filterable array?)
  • Create more actions that run (after question answered, after all questions answered, etc.)