
A front-end starter using SASS and Gulp, by Third and Grove.

Primary LanguageCSS

TAG SCSS Starter w/ Gulp

To Get Started:

  1. If they aren't already, make sure that node and npm (Node Package Manager) are installed. If you are using a Mac, Homebrew is recommended for this.
  2. If this is your first time ever using gulp, you will need to install it globally by running npm install -g gulp so that the terminal recognizes gulp commands.
  3. The first time running this particular project, cd into this directory and type npm install
  4. To continually watch .scss and .js files for changes, type gulp and use ctrl + C to stop.
  5. To run a one-time compilation of .scss files, type gulp scss

Note: You'll need the livereload browser extension to automatically refresh on changes.


  • In general, all units should use the px-to-rem() described in scss/base/_functions.scss
  • With rare case-by-case exceptions, bitmap sprites should never be used.
  • For multi-color illustrations for which a bitmap sprite might often be used, use an SVG sprite instead if at all possible.
  • Do not nest your CSS selectors, except for states (:hover, etc.), pseudoelements(:before, :after), or pseudo-selectors (:nth-child, etc.). While SCSS provides this functionality, it can easily get out of control creating hard-to-read code and unwieldy selectors.
  • All styling should be done mobile-first. This repo contains a mixin for the min-width media query only, which in the vast majority of cases should be all you need.
  • When in doubt, break your code out into its own partial. You can add partials by first creating the partial and then importing it from _components.scss, _base.scss, _layout.scss, or _global.scss. In the majority of cases, it will belong in components. Do not put partials outside of these folders.
  • View the full TAG Front-End Best Practices


  • Susy removed fbeb55f

Generating Icons

  • Add your icons to images/svg/ and run the gulp icons task. This will optimize your SVGs and create an icon font with scss partial.
  • Tip: If your icons seem tiny or invisible despite normal font sizes, make sure that none of the svg files have width="100%" and/or height="100%" on the <svg> tag.


Sass-lint accepts YML or JSON files. Config needs to be in project root unless you specify in package.json.

If you need to ignore a rule use: // sass-lint:disable <rule>, <rule> and include a reason.

Docs here

Helpful References:

Frequently Used JS Libraries: