
random ideas, if you take one, let me know! i'll post the link and help on any issues as I have time.

Things I want to build

This is just an idea dump, feel free to brainstorm how to make any of these ideas better. Some ideas may already exist, just haven't researched

Open Source Ideas & Solutions

If you are building something on this list, or know of a solve already in existance. send me a link.
If you are actively building anything, let me know how I can help with the code.

WordPress Unified UI

A JS and/or PHP library that allows developers to build UI code one time.

Package would take configuration and generate blocks/widgets for:

  • Gutes
  • Elementor
  • Beaver Builder

Extend WPGraphQL

Leveraging WPGraphQL create a lib that helps generate custom queries, mutations, etc.

Taking inspiration from WarAPI by SkyPressATX ease of building out REST API endpoints.


  • An easy way to config external REST Apollo Example and feeding into WP through WPGraphQL

Headless Woo Stuff

more flushed out ideas coming...

Gutes Object Plugin

Existing Project that brings Gutenberg data into REST, needs lots of improvement in JS and PHP.


Data Driven Development Project, Course, PoC


  • WPGraphQL (or Apollo)
  • TypeScript
  • PHP 7 Type Hinting

Build something that first builds the data models and schema, then builds the tests, then builds the code.

  • Data Models
  • Data Schema
  • Data Interfaces
  • Tests
  • Application Code

Content Insight / AI

A tool that takes as much data as possible from every post, then compares that with engagement and analytics

  • Determine why content is the most popular
  • Add in WooCommerce converstion data into the mix (which content produces the most sales)
  • Track compare keywords of content being created with news articles in similar keywords to see how trends in the real world can affect engagement or skew data