Informatics App

Source code of the android app developed for Hike Hackathon 2014 . For more info about the contest visit


  • Name
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Email
  • Books read
  • Movies seen
  • Best three Friends
  • Top three Apps used

The name , gender , birthday , email , books read and movies seen by the user are fetched by Facebook Login . Simple Facebook open source library has been used for the same .

The algorithm used to determine the best three friends is as follows : Entire call log history of the user is analyzed Friend quotient =Sum of outgoingcall duration * 2 + Sum of incoming call duraction * 1 Numbers starting with 0 or +91 are stripped to 10 digits to prevent duplication Contact names of the top 3 numbers having maximum friend quotient is displayed

The algorithm used to determine most uses apps is as follows : A background service is started when the application is first started The service runs at an interval of three minutes and queries for the app running in foreground at that time App quotient = Number of times an application was running as a foreground process The interval of three minutes was chosen to minimize memory usage without trading off accuracy of the results

Please note - Top 3 apps will be shown as null when the app is run initially .The results gain accuracy as more information is collected by the App Tracking Service .