
SIC/XE - cloned

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

SIC/XE - cloned and extended 2/18/2020

SIC/XE computer implemented in VHDL for the Digilent Nexys 2 board and system utilities: assembler, linker and simulator.


cmake >= v3.10
gcc >= 7.4.x

quick start

# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/roycrippen/sicxe.git

# build 
sh build.sh

# run tests
cd cmake-build-debug/tests


# cd to executables directory
# from sicxe root
$ cd cmake-build-debug/src

# Assembler
$ ./sicasm --help

# FPGA Communicator
$ ./sicfpga --help

#  Linker 
$ ./sicld --help

# Simulator REPL, ctrl-c to exit
$ ./sicsim
> ?

# Virtual Machine
$ ./sicvm --help

run a demo

# goto demo dir
cd demos/SicDemos/bf

# assemble
../../../cmake-build-release/src/sicasm bf.asm

# run in vm
../../../cmake-build-release/src/sicvm bf.obj 

# paste bf command from README.md
# powers of 2
# >++++++++++>>+<+[[+++++[>++++++++<-]>.<++++++[>--------<-]+<<]>.>[->[<++>-[<++>-[<++>-[<++>-[<-------->>[-]++<-[<++>-]]]]]]<[>+<-]+>>]<<]