Pseudo-colorize masked cells

TL;DR: Self-supervised pre-training method for cell detection, which combines masked autoencoding and pseudo-colorization.


(a) Pseudo-colorization of fluorescence microscopy images and the corresponding colormaps. (b) Masking schemes and masked fluorescence microscopy images. MAE masks cover 75% of images, whereas our proposed padded masks contain smaller patches and cover 33%. Image areas masked by our padded masking scheme are highlighted in white here to enhance their visibility. During pre-training, these areas are set to zero. (c) Proposed pre-training objective: Pseudo-colorize masked cells.

Pre-training demo using a ViT backbone, small patches and standard masking

Image size 384x384, Patch size 8x8, masking ratio: 0.33, pre-training target: fluorescence microscopy video pseudo-colorized with the nipy_spectral colormap

Getting started

Coming soon...

Fine-tuning on cell detection


Input fluorescence microscopy video, predicted centroid heatmaps, and detections (predicted bboxes in green, target bboxes in red)

TensorFlow implementation

This repo contains the code for our CellCentroidFormer model with an EfficientNet backbone.


The code for vision transformer (ViT) models and masked autoencoders (MAEs) is based on lucidrain's vit_pytorch library.