
This tool aims to automatically model the topological folding structure of the human hippocampus. It is currently set up to use sub-millimetric T2w MRI data, but may be adapted for other data types. This can then be used to apply the hippocampal unfolding methods presented in this paper, and ex-vivo subfield boundaries can be topologically applied from this paper.

The overall workflow can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Resampling to a 0.3mm isotropic, coronal oblique, cropped hippocampal block

  2. Automatic segmentation of hippocampal tissues and surrounding structures via deep convolutional neural network U-net (Li et al., 2017) OR Manual segmentation of hippocampal tissues and surrounding structures using this protocol

  3. Post-processing via fluid label-label registration to a high resolution, topoligically correct averaged template

  4. Imposing of coordinates across the anterior-posterior, proximal-distal, and laminar dimensions of hippocampal grey matter via solving the Laplace equation

  5. Extraction of a grey matter mid-surface and morpholigical features (thickness, curvature, gyrification index, and, if available, quantitative MRI values sampled along the mid-surface)

  6. Quality assurance via inspection of Laplace gradients, grey matter mid-surface, and flatmapped features

  7. Application of subfield boundaries according to predifined topological coordinates


under development

Currently, Matlab code is provided for steps 2-6, with these dependencies

Coming soon: fully containerized BIDSapp with MCR compiled Matlab code and all dependencies.


Simple example Matlab scripts are provided showing batching of subjects that are already resampled, or running a new subject starting from a whole-brain T2w image.

If you are using ComputeCanada, you can adapt one of the example scripts for your file names & directories and then submit it using:

regularSubmit matlab -r example_batchScript_manualSeg

Note: you must have neuroglia-core, neuroglia-helpers, and matlab (license + module loaded). See the Khan lab ComputeCanada wiki (or request access) at

Fully automated version

under development

This section breaks down the step 1) above into more detail. Note that all fully-automated segmentation and unfolding should be inspected prior to drawing conclusions! Useful tools are included for visualization.