An HTTP Transport that transform a Request to an API Gateway invoke.
title: HTTP Request to AWS API Gateway Test Invoke
mirrorActors: false
participant code as any code
participant http as http.Client
participant transport as transport.Transport
participant apigw as apigateway.Client
code ->>+ http: Do(*http.Request)
http ->>+ transport: RoundTrip(*http.Request)
alt once
transport ->>+ transport: initMappings()
transport ->>+ apigw: GetResources(apiID)
apigw -->>- transport: API Gateway resources
deactivate transport
transport ->> transport: createInvokeInput(*http.Request)
transport ->>+ apigw: TestInvokeMethod(*apigateway.TestInvokeMethodInput)
apigw -->>- transport: *apigateway.TestInvokeMethodOutput
transport ->> transport: createHTTPResponse(*apigateway.TestInvokeMethodOutput)
transport -->>- http: *http.Response
http -->>- code: *http.Response
package main
import (
func main() {
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background(),
config.WithSharedConfigProfile("your-profile"), // profile from credentials file
if err != nil {
// create an api gateway client
cli := apigateway.NewFromConfig(cfg)
// create the transport
t := transport.NewTransport(cli, "your-api-id")
// create the http client and pass the transport
httpCli := &http.Client{
Transport: t,
// do the request
httpResp, err := httpCli.Get("")
if err != nil {
dump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(httpResp, true)
fmt.Println("response:", string(dump))
// print mapped resources
fmt.Println("mappings:", t.Mappings())