####Features: 1. Achieved significant increase in performance and UI using crosswalk and Ionic meterial. 2. Maintains realtime cart and order tracking with the use of firebase.
####Use Case Scienario: Suppose you and your friend are in food court. You want to buy food from Mc Donald. Both of you connect to the Mc Donoalds Wifi.One of you Registers and share the login credentails. Now both of you can see the Menu and add the products to the cart in real time. On placing the order, both of you can track the Order status.
No need of long Queue to order your favorate food.
Make sure your read my complete tutorial series on "Getting Started with Firebase."
####App Demo Use Ionic View to see the demo of the app: http://view.ionic.io/ View Id: 272277d5
####Comming Soon 1. Backend for Processing Orders. 2. Favourates Page. 3. Offers Page. 4. Facebook Login.
Make sure to follow me on Git for getting the Latest Project Updates.
####Update (15-07-2016):
Video Tutorial: