
A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.


Firebase 3

pip install pyrebase

Firebase 2

Pyrebase was first written for Firebase 2, if you have yet to migrate you can still use the older version.

pip install pyrebase==2.0.0

Be sure to check out the docs for Pyrebase 2.

Getting Started

Add Pyrebase to your application

import pyrebase

config = {
  "apiKey": "apiKey",
  "authDomain": "projectId.firebaseapp.com",
  "databaseURL": "https://databaseName.firebaseio.com",
  "storageBucket": "projectId.appspot.com",
  "serviceAccount": "path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json"

firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)

Use Services

A Pyrebase app can use multiple Firebase services.

firebase.auth() - Authentication

firebase.database() - Database

firebase.storage() - Storage

Check out the documentation for each service for further details.


The sign_in_with_email_and_password() method will return user data including a token you can use to adhere to security rules.

Each of the following methods accepts a user token: get(), push(), set(), update(), remove() and stream().

# Get a reference to the auth service
auth = firebase.auth()
user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(email, password)

# Get a reference to the database service
db = firebase.database()
data = {
    "name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"
results = db.child("users").child("Morty").update(data, user['idToken'])

Manage Users

Creating users

auth.create_user_with_email_and_password(email, password)

Note: Make sure you have the Email/password provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Auth -> Sign In Method.

Verifying emails


Sending password reset emails


Get account information



You can build paths to your data by using the child() method.

db = firebase.database()

Save Data


To save data with a unique, auto-generated, timestamp-based key, use the push() method.

data = {"name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"}


To create your own keys use the set() method. The key in the example below is "Marty".

data = {"Morty": {"name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"}}


To update data for an existing entry use the update() method.

db.child("users").child("Morty").update({"name": "Mortiest Morty"})


To delete data for an existing entry use the remove() method.


multi-location updates

You can also perform multi-location updates with the update() method.

data = {
    "users/Morty/": {
        "name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"
    "users/Rick/": {
        "name": "Rick Sanchez"


To perform multi-location writes to new locations we can use the generate_key() method.

data = {
    "users/"+ref.generate_key(): {
        "name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"
    "users/"+ref.generate_key(): {
        "name": "Rick Sanchez"


Retrieve Data


Queries return a PyreResponse object. Calling val() on these objects returns the query data.

users = db.child("users").get()
print(users.val()) # {"Morty": {"name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"}, "Rick": {"name": "Rick Sanchez"}}


Calling key() returns the key for the query data.

user = db.child("users").get()
print(user.key()) # users


Returns a list of objects on each of which you can call val() and key().

all_users = db.child("users").get()
for user in all_users.each():
    print(user.key()) # Morty
    print(user.val()) # {name": "Mortimer 'Morty' Smith"}


To return data from a path simply call the get() method.

all_users = db.child("users").get()


To return just the keys at a particular path use the shallow() method.

all_user_ids = db.child("users").shallow().get()

Note: shallow() can not be used in conjunction with any complex queries.


You can listen to live changes to your data with the stream() method.

def stream_handler(post):
    print(post["event"]) # put
    print(post["path"]) # /-K7yGTTEp7O549EzTYtI
    print(post["data"]) # {'title': 'Pyrebase', "body": "etc..."}

my_stream = db.child("posts").stream(stream_handler)

close the stream


Complex Queries

Queries can be built by chaining multiple query parameters together.

users_by_name = db.child("users").order_by_child("name").limit_to_first(3).get()

This query will return the first three users ordered by name.


We begin any complex query with order_by_child().

users_by_name = db.child("users").order_by_child("name").get()

This query will return users ordered by name.


Return data with a specific value.

users_by_score = db.child("users").order_by_child("score").equal_to(10).get()

This query will return users with a score of 10.

start_at and end_at

Specify a range in your data.

users_by_score = db.child("users").order_by_child("score").start_at(3).end_at(10).get()

This query returns users ordered by score and with a score between 3 and 10.

limit_to_first and limit_to_last

Limits data returned.

users_by_score = db.child("users").order_by_child("score").limit_to_first(5).get()

This query returns the first five users ordered by score.


The storage service allows you to upload images to Firebase.


The put method takes the path to the local file, the path/name you want your file to have in storage, and a token.

storage = firebase.storage()
storage.put('example.jpg', "images/example.jpg", user['idToken'])

Helper Methods


db.generate_key() is an implementation of Firebase's key generation algorithm.

See multi-location updates for a potential use case.


Sometimes we might want to sort our data multiple times. For example, we might want to retrieve all articles written between a certain date then sort those articles based on the number of likes.

Currently the REST API only allows us to sort our data once, so the sort() method bridges this gap.

articles = db.child("articles").order_by_child("date").start_at(startDate).end_at(endDate).get()
articles_by_likes = db.sort(articles, "likes")

Common Errors

Index not defined

Indexing is not enabled for the database reference.