This is my README


  • php version > 5.1
  • php-cli
  • php-posix
  • php-pcntl
  • /etc/init.d/functions should exist
  • It only supports RedHat based servers.


  • cd /usr/local/
  • wget <url to laberp-equipment-server.tar.gz>
  • tar -zcvf laberp-equipment-server-$hash.tar.gz
    • ln -s laberp-equipment-server-$hash laberp-equipment-server
  • cd laberp-equipment-server
  • cp support-files/laberp-equipment-server.ini /etc/.
    • Edit the ini file to setup all of the servers you wish to run
  • Add /usr/local/laberp-equipment-server/bin to $PATH
    • Add PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/laberp-equipment-server/bin to your .bash_profile or environment config
  • cp support-files/laberp_equipment_server to /etc/init.d/
  • Now we can start the server!
    • /sbin/service laberp_equipment_server start
    • /sbin/service laberp_equipment_server stop
    • /sbin/service laberp_equipment_server restart
    • /sbin/service laberp_equipment_server status

How does this work?

  • laberp_equipment_server is a script that launches the php socket server "laberp-equipment-server"
  • laberp-equipment-server then forks a process for each scale defined in the ini configuration
    • It creates n forks of itself (1 child process for each scale defined in the configuration)
  • Each child process listens for data from a scale
  • When it receives data it sends that information back to the client that is connected to it.

Front end

front.html is an example file on how to create a web socket connection

equipment drivers

We will have a driver for each piece of equipment we want to talk to.

Define all of the servers you wish to connect to on libs/config.php

Each server is a scale
