
Learning Laravel 11

Primary LanguagePHP

Just recipes

Learning Laravel by building a simple CRUD app for recipes


  • PHP >= 8.4
  • NodeJS >= 18
  • Overmind
  • ASDF w/PHP and NodeJS plugins


  • Install Overmind (Assume you have Homebrew. If not, you can install it here

    brew install overmind
  • Install PHP and NodeJS (ASDF is required for this project, you can install it here

    asdf install
  • Install dependencies

    composer install
    npm install
  • Create .env file (you will need the encryption key)

    php artisan env:decrypt --key=`cat config/master.key`
  • Setup Database

    php artisan migrate
    php artisan db:seed
  • Setup Storage

    php artisan storage:link
  • Start the server


Docker Based Setup (WIP)

  • Setup
    docker compose build
    docker compose run --rm app bin/setup
    docker compose up 

Things To Do Next

  • Add Docker based setup
  • Add tests
  • Deploy to VM in homelab