
Descriptions, Materials and Code for the Data-Enabled Design Workshops

Materials and Code for the Data-Enabled Design workshops to be presented at eduCHI.

Submission "Hands-on Pedagogical Activities to Onboard Design Students in the Use of Sensor Data as a Creative Material"

Use the Instructions file to setup your software and hardware for the Workshop. It's recommended to have students install this before the workshop starts.


  • Wemos D1 mini (v3)
  • Wemos Battery Shield
  • 200mAh LiPo battery
  • micro-USB cable
  • mini-breadboard
  • set of jumperwires
  • LDR sensors: GL55XX series
  • Pressure sensors: Taiwan Alpha MF01-N-221-A01
  • Temperature Sensors: DHT11
  • Accelerometers: ADXL345
  • Assortment of resistors, wiring, LED's, buttons, etc.

Reading Sensors

For Code Examples, we recommend the following examples as boilerplate code:

For quickly reading sensor values of Analog sensors (LDR, pressure sensor, etc.) In Arduino IDE: /Examples/Basics/AnalogReadSerial

For reading a DHT11/22 Temperature Sensor Install DHT Sensor Library by Adafruit via the Library Manager in Arduino IDE In Arduino IDE: /Examples/DHT sensor library/DHT_Unified_Sensor Uncomment the correct DHT sensor and verify the breadboard wiring is correct.


When using OOCSI, make sure to use a unique OOCSIName. You can use the public OOCSI server with "oocsi.id.tue.nl" , Set the channelname with this line: oocsi.newMessage("CHANNELNAME");

For sending data to OOCSI In Arduino IDE: /Examples/OOCSI/OOCSI_Sender

For receiving data from OOCSI In Arduino IDE: /Examples/OOCSI/OOCSI_Receiver

For sending data to a Data Foundry IOT Dataset: In Arduino IDE: /Examples/OOCSI/DataFoundry/IoT_dataset

Learn more about OOCSI here: https://github.com/iddi/oocsi