
:mount_fuji: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu

I've joined the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge

After reading a few Medium posts and getting exposed to the FCC community I've decided to join this challenge for a number of reasons, but mainly to accomplish the following:

  • To help me keep myself accountable
  • Improve my comfortability with using git as version control
  • Increase my knowledge in basic web technologies and best practices
  • Create and develop my own personal brand

Follow my Progress through Codepen, GitHub, and Twitter. Feedback is always welcome and if you're just getting started as well, feel free to join me on this journey šŸ˜‰


For every day I code outside of work, I will post, update, and share a repo of what I did that day. Since I'm still new to web and software development, the only exceptions to coding days would be those spent learning through completing the FreeCodeCampā€™s Front End Curriculum. The goal is to progress in sound practical knowledge and skills, not breezing through the curriculum for bragging rights. During these days, I'll share a few code snippets or link to some awesome resource I found.



  • If you have any questions or ideas about 100DaysOfCode (or other ideas), feel free to reach out to Mr. Kallaway himself on Twitter: @ka11away