Yet another changelog generator from git commits, based on conventions and with an optional hook to enforce the rules
- 0
Possible command injection in changelogx
#31 opened by zpbrent - 0
- 0
Upgrade to eslint 5 + prettier
#15 opened by royriojas - 0
Upgrade engines to node greater than 8
#14 opened by royriojas - 0
Incorrect detection of the feature when the message contains more than one group in parentessis ()
#7 opened by royriojas - 0
- 0
Provide an option to ignore certain tags or commits that match a given pattern
#3 opened by royriojas - 0
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Do not fail in case of revert/merge messages that are generated automatically by git
#5 opened by royriojas - 0
The body of the commit messages are not rendered properly in the markdown formatter.
#2 opened by royriojas - 0