
A wrapper around csscomb that uses a cache to operate only on changed files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM Version Build Status


Alternative cli for csscomb with glob support and that only operates on changed files

What's different compared to csscomb?

  • Specify the files to beautify using globs. e.g:

    # operate only on the files that match the glob
    cssbrush 'src/**/*.js' 'diff/**/*.js'
  • Operate on changed files only. Useful if you run this tool as part of a precommit or prepush hooks. By default, this module will remember files it beautified before, and only beautify them again if the files changed.

    The cache is stored inside your node_modules, add an entry to ignore .cache if you commit your code to your VCS

  • Two new options added to the csscomb.json file:

      // adds a new line before each selector to nicely separate them.
      // set it to "" if you don't this behavior
      "space-before-selector": "\n",
      // how many empty lines you want to keep
      "max-empty-lines": "\n\n",


npm i -g cssbrush


Here is the output of the --help option

Usage: cssbrush [options] glob [glob1] [glob2]..[globN]

  -k, --check-only       Will just run the beautifier and report which files need to be beautified
  -i, --cache-id String  An identifier for the cache file to create. This is only needed if you want to run this
                         task in parallel otherwise the next execution might get confusing results for reusing the
                         same cache file.
  -u, --use-cache
      If true, this module will remember the `mtime` and `size` of the beatufied files and only operate on the ones
      that changed. If false, the cache will be destroyed. Cache will be used unless `--no-use-cache` is specified
      - default: true
  -h, --help             Show this help
  -v, --version          Outputs the version number
  -q, --quiet            Show only the summary info - default: false
  --colored-output       Use colored output in logs
  -c, --config String
      Path to your `csscomb` config, if not provided will try to use the `.csscomb.json` file in your current
      working directory, if not found will use the one provided with this package.
      Build your own config here: http://csscomb.com/config
cssbrush 'path/to/files/**/*.less' # or css


# lint your code to see how many files need beautification
# this will fail if some file need beautification
cssbrush -k 'path/to/files/**/*.less'

# do not use the cache
cssbrush --no-use-cache 'path/to/files/**/*.less'



