
Creates a less file containing all the icons as mixins, pretty useful if don't want to use the classname for the icon in the html markup

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NPM Version


ico-mixins is a cli tool to generate a mixin for each icon defined in the selection.json file from icomoon


I didn't want to use the declarative classes, with this tool given a selection.json file and the fonts from the icomoon app it can generate the less files for both the font and the mixins


npm i -g ico-mixins


here is the output of the -h option

Usage: ico-mixins -c my.conf.js
       ico-mixins ./font/selection.json -o ./dest/outfile.less

  -o, --output String  The path to the output less file. A mixins file will also be created in the same directory
  -h, --help           Show this help
  -v, --version        Outputs the version number
  -q, --quiet          Show only the summary info - default: false
  --colored-output     Use colored output in logs
  --stack              if true, uncaught errors will show the stack trace if available
  -c, --config String  Path to your `ico-mixins` config. This can be used to specify the options and targets instead of passing them on the command line


# create a font from the `selection.json` file and fonts folder.
# this will create three files and copy the fonts relative to the
# font-name.less file in a folder named fonts
ico-mixins ./path/to/selection.json -o ./path/to/dest/font-name.less

or using a config file

ico-mixins -c fonts.conf.js

And the font.conf.js should contain something like

module.exports = function () {
  return {
    'name-of-target': {
      src: './demo/source/selection.json',
      dest: './demo/dest/name-of-less-file-to-generate.less',
      options: {
        // where to dump a js file with the codes declared
        // useful for making demos of the font
        jsonCodesOutput: './demo/font-codes.js',

        // This function is called once per icon name and allows
        // to fix inconsistencies in the naming conventions
        processIconName: function ( name ) {
          var fixPrefix = 'my-icon_';
          return (name || '').trim().toLowerCase().replace( fixPrefix, '' ).replace( /_/g, '-' );


