
A Karma plugin. Test CommonJS modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Changes added in this fork...

Breaking changes in 1.0.0:

  • processContent is now async. Beware of it.

This is a fork of karma-commonjs this adds the following features. It is published in the npm registry as karma-commonjs-plus. See the details of how to use it after this section ends.

  1. Add global "global" variable. Some commonjs modules, mostly the ones that run in the browser some times need to access the global scope. Accesing the global scope is discouraged and only needed in extremely rare cases... In any case, code that is meant to run in browsers and interact with legacy code sometimes need to do this.

  2. Look for global dependencies: If a required dependency is not found will be looked in the global namespace (if you're already including the dependency the old school way)

var $ = require('jQuery'); // if $ module does not exists... will look for window.jQuery

If you're using browserify you probably are using the browserify-shim in that case the best option is to make sure you add the browsers section to your package.json to resolve the same global dependency, like

"browserify-shim" : {
  "jQuery" : "global:jQuery"

That way you will have your variables properly resolved in the bundle too

  1. require can mock internal dependencies: require allow to pass a second parameter to the mock the internal dependencies. This is usually useful for testing:

    var mockObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'mockObject', [ 'start' ] );
    var moduleA = require('../../moduleA', {
      './moduleB' : mockObject
    moduleA.callStart(); // internally call moduleB.start();
  2. shouldExecFile config callback. a function to be called for each file processed, the file descriptor is passed to it as the first parameter. It can be used to only autoExecute the modules that match a given pattern.

  3. processContent config callback. a function to be called for each file processed, the content and the file descriptor are passed to the function. It can be used to modify the content of the module being processed. Like making sure all the modules run in strict mode, or other tasks...

    // this section should go inside your karma config object
    commonjsPreprocessor: {
     shouldExecFile: function (file) {
       return file.path.indexOf('/specs/') > -1;
     processContent: function (content, file, cb) {
       // make sure content is executed in stricter mode during testing
       cb("'use strict';\n" + content);
  4. global.__cjs__clearCachedModules method. to clear all the cached modules (including mock ones) and make the tests easy to repeat. usually you will want to put this in an afterEach block:

    afterEach(function () {
        // commonjs-plus the tool execute and caches 
        // modules during startup we want to be able to
        // execute the module code again for testing
        // purposes, so we're manually clearing the 
        // modules cache here.
  5. global.__clearMocks method. to clear all the cached mocks.

    afterEach(function () {
        global.__clearMocks(); // clear only the mocks


A Karma plugin that allows testing CommonJS modules in the browser. So if you are using Browserify for instance, you might find this plugin useful...

Why not just using Browserify for testing ?

Creating a single bundle means "recompiling" the bundle anytime any file changes. On big project, this can significantly slow down the development. This plugin processes only files that changed.


The easiest way is to keep karma-commonjs-plus as a devDependency:

npm install karma-commonjs-plus --save-dev

which should result in the following entry in your package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "karma": "~0.10",
    "karma-commonjs-plus": "~0.1.20"


// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
    frameworks: ['jasmine', 'commonjs'],
    files: [
      // your tests, sources, ...

    preprocessors: {
      '**/*.js': ['commonjs']

Additionally you can specify a root folder (relative to project's directory) which is used to look for required modules:

commonjsPreprocessor: {
  modulesRoot: 'some_folder'  

When not specified the root folder default to the karma.basePath/node_modules configuration option.

For an example project, check out Karma's client tests.

For more information on Karma see the homepage.