Yet another LRU module with a very simple API. Just get/set and no more.
I needed a super simple lru2
there were others having more methods than the ones I required.
npm i -D lru2
// create the cache
var lru2 = require('lru2').create({ limit: 3 }); // limit=0 for no limit
// set an entry
lru2.set('key', { some: value});
// get the value
lru2.get('key') // some value if present
// get not existent key
lru2.get('someMissingKey') // will return null
// get the current state of the cache
lru2.toArray(); // [ { key: 'key', value: { some : 'value' }}]
// peek some value (without marking it as recently used)
var entry = lru2.peek('key'); // undefined if key does not exists
// removes the entry regardless if it is recently used or not
var lru2 = require('lru2').create({
limit: 3, // limit=0 for no limit
onRemoveEntry: function (entry) {
// perform the clean up
// of heavy resources here:
entry.destroy(); // clear db connections or other heavy resources used