
simple hooks to help on creating responsive desings

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Small collection of utilties to make responsive designs simpler relying of a set of breakpoints.

This module uses container queries and IntersectionObserver to detect the changes in breakpoints in a given container and uses MatchMedia to detect screenBreakpoint changes


npm i use-breakpoint-matches



The BreakpointsAware component is a wrapper around the useBreakpointMatches hook.

import { BreakpointsAware } from 'use-breakpoint-matches';

// The BreakpointsAware component receives a `breakpoints` prop that is an object with the breakpoints to be used in the component.
// for example { xs: 320, sm: 480, md: 768, lg: 1024 }
// this means we will have 4 breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg
// xs starts at 0 (this will always be true, as at the very least the width of the container will be 0)
// sm starts at 320
// md starts at 480
// lg starts at 1024
// the main idea is that if the container width is 485px, the matches object will be 
// { 
//   xs: true,
//   sm: true,
//   md: true,
//   lg: false
// }

<BreakpointsAware breakpoints={{ xs: 320, sm: 480, md: 768, lg: 1024 }}>
  {({ matches, cn }) => (
      <div className={cn({ xs: 'px-2 py-1', sm: 'px-4 py-2', md: 'px-6 py-3', lg: 'px-8 py-4' })}>
        The content here will have different classes as the breakpoints matche
        /* The content here will be displayed only when the breakpoints matches */
        {matches.xs && <div>xs</div>}
        {matches.sm && <div>sm</div>}
        {matches.md && <div>md</div>}
        {matches.lg && <div>lg</div>}

BreakpointsAware receives a breakpoints prop that is an object with the breakpoints to be used in the component.

It also receives a children prop that is a function that receives an object with the current breakpoints matches and a function to generate a className based on the current breakpoints matches.

The cn helper function is curried with the current breakpoints that match and return the className for the last breakpoint that matches. So if the current breakpoints matches are { xs: true, sm: true, md: true, lg: false } the cn function will return the className for the md breakpoint only.

BreakpointsAware props

Prop name Type Default Description
breakpoints Record<string, number> { xss: 320, xs: 480, sm: 690, md: 850, lg: 1124, xl: 1380, xxl: 1920, xxl2: 2160 } The breakpoints to be used in the component.
width number or string 100% The width of the container to be used in the BreakpointsAware component.
className string '' The className to be used in the BreakpointsAware component.
children (args: { matches: { [P in keyof T]?: boolean }, cn: (args: { [P in keyof T]?: string }) => string }) => React.ReactNode undefined The children function to be used in the BreakpointsAware component.


The main export from this module is the useBreakpointMatches hook.

import { useBreakpointMatches } from 'use-breakpoint-matches';

const { setRef, widthMap } = useBreakpointMatches({ breakpoints });

useBreakpointMatches returns an object with two properties:

  • setRef: a function that receives a HTMLElement and sets the ref of the container to be used in the BreakpointsAware component.
  • widthMap: an object with the current breakpoints matches.

This is a low level hook that is not meant to be used directly. It is meant to be used in the BreakpointsAware component.


This is a higher level hook that uses useBreakpointMatches and useHorizontalBreakpoints to detect the screen breakpoints.

import { useScreenBreakpoints } from 'use-breakpoint-matches';

const { hMatches, vMatches } = useScreenBreakpoints();

useScreenBreakpointMatches returns an object with four properties:

  • hMatches: an object with the current horizontal breakpoints matches.
  • vMatches: an object with the current vertical breakpoints matches.
  • cnByMatchesH: a function that receives an object with the current horizontal breakpoints matches and returns the className for the last breakpoint that matches.
  • cnByMatchesV: a function that receives an object with the current vertical breakpoints matches and returns the className for the last breakpoint that matches.

In order to use this hook you need to call initScreenBreakpoints before using it.

import { initScreenBreakpoints } from 'use-breakpoint-matches';

// Do this before rendering your app
initScreenBreakpoints({ hBreakpoints: { xs: 320, sm: 480, md: 768, lg: 1024 }, vBreakpoints: { xs: 320, sm: 480, md: 768, lg: 1024 } });

// Then you can use it
const { hMatches, vMatches, cnByMatchesH, cnByMatchesV } = useScreenBreakpoints();

// Example usage for horizontal breakpoints
<div className={cnByMatchesH({ xs: 'px-2 py-1', sm: 'px-4 py-2', md: 'px-6 py-3', lg: 'px-8 py-4' })}>
  The content here will have different classes as the breakpoints matche
  /* The content here will be displayed only when the breakpoints matches */
  {hMatches.xs && <div>xs</div>}
  {hMatches.sm && <div>sm</div>}
  {hMatches.md && <div>md</div>}
  {hMatches.lg && <div>lg</div>}
