
API to retrieve some html tags from url being posted

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Created by using ‘rails-api` gem since I am using Rails 4.

  • rails-api new html_parser –skip-sprockets

## Sign Up (POST)

## Sign In (POST)

### Visit any site by writing headers with this format:

  • access-token:g_CPM8up4MjWuGhce1L4Nw

  • token-type:Bearer

  • client:SXUActSwnJyPfXxwvHn7fw

  • expiry:1472525025

  • uid:roy.fita23@gmail.com

## Create Parsed Site:

localhost:3000/v1/parsed_sites?parsed_site[url]=yahoo.com&parsed_site[name]=Test Page

## List Sites:

## URL