
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Robot Simulator is an gem that will allow you to play around with robot via your terminal (your robot will actually move while being in another secret place in the planet).



Setup and testing


  • Ruby 2.0.0 or latest


First of all, clone this repository in your local machine:

git clone git@github.com:royriver23/robot_simulator.git
cd robot_simulator

Then, make sure you have installed Ruby in your machine. The following command should return something like: ruby 2.x.xpXX (YYY-MM-DD revision XXXX) [x86_64-darwin17]

ruby -v

As a reminder you can manage multiple Ruby versions using Rbenv or RVM.

Verify that you have bundler installed. It would output something like Bundler version x.xx.x

bundler -v

If not, install it using gem install bundler

Finally, install your development dependencies:

bundle install

Running Tests

This gem has 100% of its implementation code covered by tests based on SimpleCov gem results:


Run the tests with the following command:


This will ask you whether you want to see detail coverage with a Y/N question:

Do you want to see detailed coverage? (Y/n)

If Y, it will open your default browser with coverage HTML file shown above in the screenshot.

Test Data

The test data can be found in ./spec/test_data folder.

Let's play with the robot

There is a bash script that will start the robot simulator application, run the following command to load CLI interface to manage it:



You will be able to do the following configurations:

  • Output options: Plain Text (default), JSON and/or ASCCI.
  • Report on every command: This is a yes or no question, to whether you would like to see robot status every time it performs an action.
  • Surface: Width and Height.


  • PLACE X,Y,{DIRECTION} - e.g. PLACE 1,2,NORTH - will put the toy robot on the table in position X,Y and facing NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST.
  • MOVE - will move the toy robot one unit forward in the direction it is currently facing.
  • LEFT and RIGHT will rotate the robot 90 degrees in the specified direction without changing the position of the robot.
  • REPORT will announce the X,Y and orientation of the robot.
  • EXIT


  • Programmming Language: Ruby
  • Testing: Rspec
  • Design Principles: SOLID
  • Design Patterns: some design patterns were used, such as: template and factory
  • Test Patterns: mainly Arrange Act Assert, Result Test and State Test patterns.
  • Other Gems:
    • tty-prompt: to build CLI interface
    • simplecov: to measure code coverage
    • pry: extremely handy to debug bugs or just inspect and navigate throught your project.