
No time to read all tweets from your favourite invest advisor?

Primary LanguagePython


Installation Steps:

change your docker-compose.yml (or override it)

  • change the root password and user password of mysql

create instance/config.py

  • instance config is FLASK stuff
  • mkdir instance in app folder
  • you should copy the config.py from root
  • change the sql password, twitter token and telegram bot token in the new config.py

ARK daily email config

start your engine!

docker-compose -f docker-compose.xml up

Try to access ADMINER

  • installed adminer for manage the program
  • ip:8080 to access your db by ADMINER
  • the server (host) name is mysql as default (set in docker-compose.yml)

Visual Code debug

  • run the docker using docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.debug.yml
  • add import debugpy and breakpoint() in your python code which needed to stopped by breakpoint
    "configurations": [
           "name": "Python: Remote Attach",
           "type": "python",
           "request": "attach",
           "port": 5678,
           "host": "localhost",
           "pathMappings": [
                   "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/app",
                   "remoteRoot": "/app"
  • Add above debug config (launch.json) in VS code
  • Connect the debugger