
CeWLeR - Custom Word List generator Redefined. CeWL alternative in Python, based on the Scrapy framework.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

CeWLeR - Custom Word List generator Redefined

CeWLeR crawls from a specified URL and collects words to create a custom wordlist.

It's a great tool for security testers and bug bounty hunters. The lists can be used for password cracking, subdomain enumeration, directory and file brute forcing, API endpoint discovery, etc. It's good to have an additional target specific wordlist that is different than what everybody else use.

CeWLeR was sort of originally inspired by the really nice tool CeWL. I had some challenges with CeWL on a site I wanted a wordlist from, but without any Ruby experience I didn't know how to contribute or work around it. So instead I created a custom wordlist generator in Python to get the job done.

At a glance


  • Generates custom wordlists by scraping words from web sites
  • A lot of options:
    • Output to screen or file
    • Can stay within subdomain, or visit sibling and child subdomains, or visit anything within the same top domain
    • Can stay within a certain depth of a website
    • Speed can be controlled
    • Word length and casing can be configured
    • JavaScript and CSS can be included
    • Text can be extracted from PDF files (using pypdf)
    • Crawled URLs can be output to separate file
    • Scraped e-mail addresses can also be output to separate file
    • ++
  • Using the excellent Scrapy framework for scraping and using the beautiful rich library for terminal output

Commands and options

Quick examples

Output to file

Will output to file unless a file is specified.
cewler --output wordlist.txt https://example.com

Control speed and depth

The rate is specified in requests per second. Please play nicely and don't don't break any rules.
cewler --output wordlist.txt --rate 5 --depth 2 https://example.com

Change User-Agent header

The default User-Agent is a common browser.
cewler --output wordlist.txt --user-agent "Cewler" https://example.com

Control casing, word length and characters

Unless specified the words will have mixed case and be of at least 5 in length.
cewler --output wordlist.txt --lowercase --min-word-length 2 --without-numbers https://example.com

Visit all domains - including parent, children and siblings

The default is to just visit exactly the same (sub)domain as specified.
cewler --output wordlist.txt -s all https://example.com

Visit same (sub)domain + any belonging child subdomains

cewler --output wordlist.txt -s children https://example.com

Include JavaScript and/or CSS

If you want you can include links from <script> and <link> tags, plus words from within JavaScript and CSS.
cewler --output wordlist.txt --include-js --include-css https://example.com

Include PDF files

It's easy to extract text from PDF files as well.
cewler --output wordlist.txt --include-pdf https://example.com

Output visited URLs to file

It's also possible to store the crawled files to a file. cewler --output wordlist.txt --output-urls urls.txt https://example.com

Output e-mails to file

It's also possible to store the scraped e-mail addresses to a separate file (they are always added to the wordlist). cewler --output wordlist.txt --output-emails emails.txt https://example.com

Ninja trick 🥷

If it just takes too long to crawl a site you can press ctrl + c once(!) and wait while the spider finishes the current requests and then whatever words have been found so far is stored to the output file.

All options

cewler -h
usage: cewler [-h] [-d DEPTH] [-js] [-l] [-m MIN_WORD_LENGTH] [-o OUTPUT] [-ou OUTPUT_URLS] [-r RATE] [-s {all,children,exact}] [--stream] [-u USER_AGENT] [-v] [-w] url

CeWLeR - Custom Word List generator Redefined

positional arguments:
  url                   URL to start crawling from

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        directory path depth to crawl, 0 for unlimited (default: 2)
  -css, --include-css   include CSS from external files and <style> tags
  -js, --include-js     include JavaScript from external files and <script> tags
  -pdf, --include-pdf   include text from PDF files
  -l, --lowercase       lowercase all parsed words
  -m MIN_WORD_LENGTH, --min-word-length MIN_WORD_LENGTH
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        file were to stream and store wordlist instead of screen (default: screen)
  -oe OUTPUT_EMAILS, --output-emails OUTPUT_EMAILS
                        file were to stream and store e-mail addresses found (they will always be outputted in the wordlist)
  -ou OUTPUT_URLS, --output-urls OUTPUT_URLS
                        file were to stream and store URLs visited (default: not outputted)
  -r RATE, --rate RATE  requests per second (default: 20)
  -s {all,children,exact}, --subdomain_strategy {all,children,exact}
                        allow crawling [all] domains, including children and siblings, only [exact] the same (sub)domain (default), or same domain and any belonging [children]
  --stream              writes to file after each request (may produce duplicates because of threading) (default: false)
  -u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
                        User-Agent header to send (default: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
  -v, --verbose         A bit more detailed output
  -w, --without-numbers
                        ignore words are numbers or contain numbers

Subdomain strategies

Example URL to scan https://sub.example.com:

-s exact* -s children -s all
* Default strategy

Digging into the code

If you want to do some tweaking you yourself you can probably find what you want in src/cewler/constants.py and src/cewler/spider.py

Installation and upgrade

Alternative 1 - installing from PyPI

Package homepage: https://pypi.org/project/cewler/

python3 -m pip install cewler


python3 -m pip install cewler --upgrade

Alternative 2 - installing from GitHub

1. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/roys/cewler.git --depth 1

2. Install dependencies

cd cewler
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Shortcut on Un*x based system (optional)

cd src/cewler
chmod +x cewler.py
ln -s $(pwd)/cewler.py /usr/local/bin/cewler
cewler -h


git pull


CeWLeR is pronounced "cooler".


A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to making CeWLeR better! Your contributions, big and small, make a significant difference.

Contributions of any kind are welcome and recognized. From bug reports to coding, documentation to design, every effort is appreciated:


Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)