
lot of compile errors

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Tried to compile this code: no way!
Please, fix it.

No openCV dir

Several steps to use this project(I succeeded on Mac Mojave):

  1. Install OpenCV 2.4. Actually I used OpenCV, but I think they should be almost the same.
    It's very simple in case you don't have OpenCV or don't have this version installed. Just Download the source code from Github. Then in the root folder of the source code, create a folder named 'build', enter it in terminal, and run command 'cmake -DWITH_FFMPEG=OFF'(I don't have ffmpeg library ready to use, so I ignore it to make it compile through), then run 'make'. The last command to type in terminal is 'make install'. The OpenCV 2.4 should be ready now.
  2. delete the 'mgl' library in target_link_libraries of CMakeLists.txt.
  3. After it is successfully built, it will show 'Can't read image..' message if you run the binary. It's because the binary tries to find a file with the path and name '../silhouettes/camel-11.png' relative to where you locate under 'build' folder. So just create a folder named 'silhouettes' under the root folder which should be 'CurveDeformationMLS'. And drag fish-12.png into that folder and rename it to be 'camel-11.png'.

You should be able to build and run the generated binary now.

Several steps to use this project(I succeeded on Mac Mojave):

  1. Install OpenCV 2.4. Actually I used OpenCV, but I think they should be almost the same.
    It's very simple in case you don't have OpenCV or don't have this version installed. Just Download the source code from Github. Then in the root folder of the source code, create a folder named 'build', enter it in terminal, and run command 'cmake -DWITH_FFMPEG=OFF'(I don't have ffmpeg library ready to use, so I ignore it to make it compile through), then run 'make'. The last command to type in terminal is 'make install'. The OpenCV 2.4 should be ready now.
  2. delete the 'mgl' library in target_link_libraries of CMakeLists.txt.
  3. After it is successfully built, it will show 'Can't read image..' message if you run the binary. It's because the binary tries to find a file with the path and name '../silhouettes/camel-11.png' relative to where you locate under 'build' folder. So just create a folder named 'silhouettes' under the root folder which should be 'CurveDeformationMLS'. And drag fish-12.png into that folder and rename it to be 'camel-11.png'.

You should be able to build and run the generated binary now.

I've already installed the openCV library, but I encountered another library problem that it said it missed the "CLSignatureMatching.h".
I've checked that this library isn't included in openCL. Have you met this problem when you build this project?