
Discord bot for managing trivia games. Triggers countdown timer for answer submission, calculates players’ scores, and displays tabulated results.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Host your own pub style trivia game on Discord Chat. As the Trivia Master you can submit quiz questions in the chat and trigger a 15 second timer. Mark correct answers with emojis and display scores.

Table of Contents

Discord Server Setup

Server requires a Discord role named Trivia Master. The trivia host will need to be assigned this role. Create a new Text Channel named with trivia in the name. Start a new game with the command ::newgame in the trivia channel. Good luck, have fun!


Command Function
::newgame Start a new game. Clears existing game if one exists.
::q [Trivia question] Starts the 15 sec trivia timer with your question
::answer [Trivia answer] Automatically mark contestant’s correct answers
::edit [@user <number>] Edit a user’s score.
::score Output current game scores
::final Outputs final game score with medals. Also ends current game.

Message Reactions

Mark contestant’s answers by reacting to their message with the following emojis. The scorekeeper uses these to tally scores.

Emoji (Discord name) Answer type Points
:white_check_mark: Correct answer 1
🔶 :large_orange_diamond: Half Point answer 0.5
⭐️ :star: Bonus Point answer 1
⚖️ :scales: Tie Breaker answer 0.1


Clone this repo and host the bot on your development machine.

git clone https://github.com/roytanaka/trivia-timer-bot.git

Setup project with:

npm install

Compile and auto restart node after save for development:

npm run dev

Go to Discord developer portal to create an app and generate your bot token. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project and enter this line with your token:
