
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Disclaimer: Use this local only, nothing is secured or hashed. Email addresses could be stolen with wrong purposes.

Setup MonboDB

Create an MongoDB database in your vm or local machine the default port is Change this port in /slacksafe/index.js.

Run the following command in Mongo Shell

>use slacksafe
switched to db slacksafe

Setup NodeJS

NodeJS and NPM Download NodeJS with NPM. Installing modules Run the following command in /the_root_of_your_slacksafe_dir

$ npm install

Run & build SlackSafe

Minify the css to /public/dist/css/styles.min.css

$ npm run css:minify

Convert css/sass to ./public/dist/css/styles.css

$ npm run css:compress

Rebuild css on filechange (*.css)

$ npm run css:watch

Minify js to /public/dist/js/bundle.min.js

$ npm run js:minify

Bundle js to /public/dist/js/bundle.js

$ npm run js:browserify

Bundle and minify js

$ npm run js:compress

Watch js on filechange (*.js) bundle and minify

$ npm run js:watch

Watch js and css on filechange bundle and minify

$ npm run client:watch

Watch server js on filechange restart app.js (nodemon)

$ npm run server:watch

Watch all server js, client js and css. Bundle, minify and restart on filechange

$ npm run all:watch

Minify all client js and css

$ npm run build

Watch server js on filechange restart app.js (nodemon)

$ npm run start

What is SlackSafe?

We live in a time where passwords are weak and information is priceless. It is important to have a healty workflow and be safe and secure.

Slacksafe is a simple and effective way to screen all your Slack teams. You can inform them about their stolen data. After the screening is done.

Within seconds you can see witch teams are safe, and witch are not.

Based on the Have I Been Pownd API that is very up-to date you are always in track of the leaks in your company!


  • Minify/uglify/compressed/Gzipped JS, CSS
  • No JS used (exept for service worker)
  • Only small images are loaded
  • System fonts only
  • Offline browsing (system worker)
  • NPM tasks
  • Critical CSS
  • HTML5 native validation
  • Req.flash for messages to minimize traffic

With javascript only

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With Serverside rendering only

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