
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Setup NodeJS

NodeJS and NPM Download NodeJS with NPM. Installing modules Run the following command in /the_root_of_your_todo_dir

$ npm install

Run & build SlackSafe

Minify the css to /public/dist/css/styles.min.css

$ npm run css:minify

Convert css/sass to ./public/dist/css/styles.css

$ npm run css:compress

Rebuild css on filechange (*.css)

$ npm run css:watch

Minify js to /public/dist/js/bundle.min.js

$ npm run js:minify

Bundle js to /public/dist/js/bundle.js

$ npm run js:browserify

Bundle and minify js

$ npm run js:compress

Watch js on filechange (*.js) bundle and minify

$ npm run js:watch

Watch js and css on filechange bundle and minify

$ npm run client:watch

Watch server js on filechange restart app.js (nodemon)

$ npm run server:watch

Watch all server js, client js and css. Bundle, minify and restart on filechange

$ npm run all:watch

Minify all client js and css

$ npm run build

Watch server js on filechange restart app.js (nodemon)

$ npm run start

CORE Functionality & Accessibility

Simple todo application where you can add your tasks. Keep track of your activities! Everywhere, anywhere! Tested on the following browsers:

  • IE 5+
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Opera
  • Opera mini

The website is very accessible, the autofocus is on the only input. On enter the input is submitted. The user can tab trough all up's, down's, inputs in every browser!

IMPORTANT In IE+9 Drag and drop is disabled. Enable this in a few simple steps:

  • Go to Internet Options
  • Go to Security
  • Go to Custom level
  • Go to Drag and drop
  • Enable this options
  • Apply changes
  • Restart IE / computer

Colour tests

This todo list only makes use of colours with a high contrast. Black - White. Simple, clean and highly effective. The way todo likes it.


Serverside rendering (flash)

There is no JS validating. Only HTML5 validation and serverside validation trough posts and get reqeusts.

HTML5 validation with required. This HTML attribute is almost compatible with every browser. See CANIUSE (97.52%). But not for Opera mini and the older IE browsers. That is where the serverside validation kicks in! All the command are dubbelcheckked serverside.

If there is something wrong, there is an flash message displayed. This works for one page view after the initial command.

Drag and Drop

If there are browsers that aren't compatible with the JS funcionality will decrese and the fallbacks will take over. The drag and drop functionality is in the most desktop browsers supported (44.2%) CANIUSE. If the funcionality doesn't work, the tasks will me movable trough up and down links!

Form validation

The form is validated in different stadia:

  • The input regex pattern=".{4,}" and required with an HTML5 message as feedback
  • The JS form e.preventDefault() and submit if value.length > 3 with an alert as feedback
  • The serverside validation with an flash message as feedback


  • Drag and drop -> will fallback to simple <a> anchors with an command in the href.
  • AJAX call -> will fallback to an form post
  • EM -> will fallback to pixel
  • CSS child selectors -> will fallback to cascading CSS rules
  • required -> will fallback to serverside validation
  • Input regex fallback to -> JS to -> serverside