
Single page meteor app available at https://part-up.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


[Join the conversation of the Platform Development tribe on Part-up] (https://part-up.com/tribes/development/chat)


  • ensure imagemagick is installed (OS X: brew install imagemagick)
  • ensure ansible is installed (OS X: brew install ansible)
  • ensure meteor is installed
  • make sure you have all the correct environment variables set, which can be done in two ways:
    1. generate the development configuration using cd config/development && ./decrypt (this requires a password, which can be requested from the Part-up team)
    2. copy the file config/development/env.sh.dist to config/development/env.sh and fill in all the required credentials
  • ./start (in the root folder of the app)
  • App running at: http://localhost:3000/



We have four types of application parts: layout, page, widget and small component. The explanation below points out their uses. Grahpic: app/packages/partup:client-pages/app and for the modals app/packages/partup:client-pages/modal.


Layouts are the top-level templates. They can contain a header, current page placeholder and footer. The Sass file should only contain header and footer positioning rules. The js file should keep track of the state of the template and handle navigation functionality.


Pages can contain single components with page-specific functionality, widgets (packages) and sub-pages. A page, in fact, only represents a composition. Therefore, the Sass file should only contain position defenitions of the inside components. The js file should handle the page states and navigation functionality if subpages are present. Pages are directly binded to routes.

Widget (packages)

With a funcionality, you can think of a widget which will fulfill one standalone functionality. Functionalities that tie the app together (like a navigation bar) should not be declared as a package, because it’s not a widget with a standalone functionality. The Sass file may only contain component composition rules. When a widget is called WidgetsPartupActivities, the package should be called partup:client-widgets-partup-activities.

Small component

The whole app is made up of small styled components. These components are not functional by themselves, but only provides styling. For example: buttons, inputs, titles, paragraphs and menus. Each component should be defined as a Sass class prefixed with “pu-”, for example “pu-button”. Be aware not to define any styling dealing with the position of the component inside its parent or relative to its siblings.

Adding an icon

  1. cd app/
  2. meteor add partup-iconfont-generator
  3. Add the new icon SVG to the /client/icons folder, dot not use this folder for anything else than the iconfont icons
  4. Name the icon svg file properly (upload icon should be named upload.svg, not icon_upload.svg, don't use a prefix like icon_ for consistency)
  5. Wait for [iconfont] generating
  6. In /client/stylesheets/font-faces a new _picons.sass is generated, NOTE: _picons.sass cannot be used to change icon styles, do this in /client/stylesheets/components/pu-icons.sass
  7. check in all supported browsers if icons still work, especially IE
  8. meteor remove partup-iconfont-generator
  9. You now have a new icon added to the project cheers. Push the icon file changes to your current branch.


Collections manipulation flow

  • Frontend uses Meteor.call to insert, update or remove documents in a collection.
  • Backend checks if the logged in user is authorised to perform the given operation (inside a Meteor method).
  • Backend saves document in mongodb
  • Backend emits an event that corresponds with the given CRUD operation, e.g. inserted, updated or removed (inside a Meteor method).
  • Handlers are created that have to react to these created events, for instance when inserting an update or notification.


  • the following users are created automatically (all with password "user"):
  • admin created all the tribes
  • john is member of closed tribe and created a closed partup
  • user is member of open and invite tribe and created a partups in these tribes
  • judy is invited for closed tribe

Application testing

Please take a look as this epic: https://github.com/part-up/part-up/issues/528 There is a specific chapter written about how to test a meteor application like part-up.com.

Unit and integration testing

npm run test:watch

End to end test

npm run test:e2e


Quick deployment

  • cd devops
  • ./devops provision <environment> all --tags=app (provide the SHA hash of the commit to be deployed, make sure it is build by Jenkins upfront)


  • Connecting: mongo "<host>/<database>" -u "<user>" -p "<password>"
  • Dumping: mongodump "<host>" --db "<database>" -u "<user>" -p "<password>" -o \date +%s``
  • Restoring: mongorestore "<host>" --db "<database>" -u "<user>" -p "<password>"
  • Restoring Meteor LoginServiceConfiguration: mongorestore "<host>" --db "<database>" -u "<user>" -p "<password>" -c "meteor_accounts_loginServiceConfiguration" <bson file from dump>
  • Emptying all Collections (run in mongo shell): db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collectionName) { db[collectionName].remove({}); });
  • Make user (super)admin: db.users.update({ '_id': '<insertuseridhere>' }, { $set: { 'roles': ['admin'] } })
  • Find faulty / wrongly uploaded pictures: db.getCollection('cfs.images.filerecord').find({'copies':{$exists:false}})
  • Overwrite the language of a specific part-up: db.getCollection('partups').find({'_id':'<<partupid>>'},{$set: {'language':'nl'}});

Unit testing

  • meteor run --test

Required server environment variables

TZ = Europe/Amsterdam
METEOR_SETTINGS = {"public":{"analyticsSettings":{"Google Analytics":{"trackingId":""}}}}

data dumps

clean userdump

  • regular mongo dump command
  • unpack bson for f in *.bson; do bsondump "$f" > "$f.json"; done
  • cat users.bson.json | sed 's/accessToken" : "[^"]*"/accessToken" : ""/g' > users.bson-clean.json
  • cat users.bson-clean.json | sed 's/hashedToken" : "[^"]*"/hashedToken" : ""/g' > users.bson-clean-2.json
  • cat users.bson-clean-2.json | sed 's/bcrypt" : "[^"]*"/bcrypt" : ""/g' > users.bson-clean-3.json
  • cat users.bson-clean-3.json | sed 's/token" : "[^"]*"/token" : ""/g' > users.bson-clean-4.json

editing env.sh-ecrypted

cd config/development && ansible-vault edit env.sh-encrypted

Phraseapp translation

Add new keys using the i18n convention to the main locale /part-up/app/i18n/phraseapp.en.i18n.json and commit them to your branch.

After merging the PR for your branch, Ralph Boeije will import the new keys to Phraseapp and add the translations to the other locales.


Copyright (C) 2017 Part-up

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. You can find it at /part-up/LICENSE and the supplement at /part-up/License supplement