This is the official repository for the code used in the paper: "What Was Your Prompt? A Remote Keylogging Attack on AI Assistants", USENIX Security 24'
- a7t0fwa7
- agausmannMissouri, USA
- alien-babs
- brunnelu@d-one, prev: @urb-x
- chrisbwardLondon, England
- cwilder23
- danelboikis
- Daniel-Ayz
- danOO7
- etasiou
- fruitfoxlu
- futurelighthousefuture
- galaris
- Gpinzon101
- HackTuahModMana LLC
- ItaiPemp
- JD-2006
- JEBrejcha
- jimscardSchellman
- joshualoudenIndianapolis, IN
- lottothewolf
- mmmmsuar
- NVSan Francisco
- Philesiv
- ptrac3
- reaganiwadha-5.888684, 106.842564
- rezaduty
- rpivoNew York City, NY
- rtcms
- sadhuroot
- simplybychris
- sraza-onshape@PTCInc
- tooloca
- uuutmtm
- WhenMelancholyUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- zzrcxbNVIDIA Research & UT Austin