
TUM [EI70110] Computer Vision 22SS final project, based on the paper:

Horry, Youichi, Ken-Ichi Anjyo, and Kiyoshi Arai. "Tour into the picture: using a spidery mesh interface to make animation from a single image." Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. 1997.


Used Toolboxes: Matlab Computer Vision Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox


  • run the main.m function to open the program
  • press the load image button to select an image to transform
  • use your mouse to set the rear panel and the vanishing point
  • press the draw line button to create the spidery mesh
  • press 'reset' button if the selected points are not accurate
  • press 'set' button to submit the inputs
  • input rotation and translation values
  • press 'set value' button to get the transformed image and the 3d interactive model of the scene


Introduction: avatar Details: avatar

Experimental Results



partially based on a C++ implementation: