
Supervised Machine Learning, Regression Modelling, EDA, Data Cleaning & Analytics

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

IMBD Ratings Predictor: Project Overview

  • Created a tool that predicts movie ratings from the imbd website
  • Scraped over 2000 movies from imbd website using Python and Beautiful Soup
  • Engineered features from the genres to quatify the value for each genre such as drama, action, thriller, comedy, romance and so forth.
  • Optimized Linear, Lasso, Bayesian Ridge and Random Forest Regressor using GridSearchCV to reach the best model.
  • A deep dive into data leakage to prevent target from leaking into models I chose for an accurate prediction.
  • Evaluated the models using Mean Absolute Error for simplicity.


Python Version: 3.8
Packages: numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, Beautiful Soup, pickle
Scraper Github: Joseph Cowell Project 2
Scraper Article: https://towardsdatascience.com/scraping-tv-show-epsiode-imdb-ratings-using-python-beautifulsoup-7a9e09c4fbe5
Regression Article: Are low R-Squared Values always a Problem?
Data Leakeage Article Data Leakage in Machine Learning

Web Scraping

Tweaked the web scraper github repo (above) to scrape 2000 movies from imdb.com. With each movie, we obtained the following:

  • movie title
  • imdb rating
  • imdb raters
  • mpaa
  • genres
  • director
  • writer
  • stars
  • country
  • language
  • release date
  • budget
  • opening weekend
  • gross usa
  • cumulative worldwide
  • production companies
  • runtime (min)

Data Cleaning

After scraping the data, I needed to clean it up so that it was usable for our model. I made the following changes and created the following variables:

  • Renaming the columns
  • Removing movies without production companies
  • Creating a column for the release year of each movies
  • Dropping movies wihout ratings. Movies without ratings means that it does not have raters. Hence, movies without raters have been removed as well.
  • Removed the MPAA columns since there are too many missing values and filling in the MPAA would be inaccurate.
  • Impute missing values for {'Budget', 'Openning Weekend', 'Gross USA', 'cumulative worldwide'} with median.
  • Made columns for if different genres for each movie where some movies have combinations of genres as given below represented as binary:
    • Comedy
    • Action
    • Thriller
    • Fantasy
    • Drama
    • Western
    • Biography
    • Mystery
    • Musical
    • War
    • Sci-Fi
    • Sport
    • Music
    • Horror
    • Crime
    • Adventure
    • Family
    • Animation
    • History
    • Romance

Exploratory Data Analysis

Full Notebook can be view here

Model Building

First, I transformed the categorical variables into dummy variables. I also split the data into train and tests sets with a test size of 20%.

I tried several different models and evaluated them using Mean Absolute Error. I chose MAE because it is relatively easy to interpret and outliers aren’t particularly bad in for this type of model.

Models I tried using Scikit learn are:

  • Multiple Linear Regression: Baseline for the model
  • Lasso Regression: Because of the sparse data from the many categorical variables in genres, I thought a normalized regression like lasso would be effective.
  • Bayesian Ridge: Chosen with regards to the sparsity of the data and ideal for dealing with data containing multiple outliers.
  • Random Forest Regressor: With the sparsity of data, I assume that it would be a good fit

Full Notebook for Model Building can be view here

Model Performance

So far, The Random Forest model far outperformed the other approaches on the test and validation sets.

  • Linear Regression Model: MAE= 0.558
  • Lasso Regression Model: MAE= 0.540
  • Bayesian Ridge Regression Model: MAE= 0.541
  • Random Forest Model: MAE= 0.505
  • Average Random Foreest and Linear Regression: MAE= 0.515

Regression Analysis

Based on the regression model, the R-squared is found to 0.426 which is seemingly low. However, it is not necessarily bad as studies that try to explain human behavior generally have R2 values less than 50%. People are just harder to predict than things like physical processes. Article related to this explanation can be found in the references above.

Exploration into Data Leakage

Throughout the modeling, it is found that the model I chose has been performing a little too well when adding in Directors and Writers to the model which gives an R2 = 0.875.

Hence, after researching several articles regarding data leakage, it is obvious that the target is leaking into the model which destroyed the purpose of predictions.