This repository provides examples of Vulnerable and Mitigated code as per CWE Categorization.


A Repository where you can find examples for Vulnerable and Mitigated code based on CWE categorization.


  • This project focuses on providing vulnerable and mitigated code in three different programming languages, categorized by CWE ID, for educational purposes.


  • We have observed a lack of a centralized repository where individuals can access examples of vulnerable and mitigated code snippets and learn from a source code perspective.
  • Furthermore, the existing repositories are often limited to certain CWE IDs, leaving many vulnerabilities unaddressed. These issues motivated us to create a comprehensive project that covers a wide range of CWE IDs and provide educational resources on source code review.

How & who can Contribute?

  • Everyone is welcome to contribute. If you feel there is a mistake or correction that needs to be done, please raise a PR and we will review the same and merge. Also, if you wish to add a new CWE Class, feel free to do so by following the template.

To whom would you recommend it?

  • Everyone who is looking to learn from vulnerable code and how the vulnerable code can be mitigated can use this. Particularly, this can be most useful to budding Appsec Engineers and developers who ought to know the security perspective of the code.

How is it Categorized and how will it be released?

  • Currently, we are focusing to complete for the first CWE Top 25. Further which, we are planning to address for other categories as well.

To contribute to our project, please refer to our GitHub profile to submit a PR. We welcome all contributions, whether it's to correct mistakes, add new CWE Class categories, or suggest improvements to our educational resources. By submitting a PR, you can help us make this project even better and support the wider community in understanding secure coding practices.

You can find our GitHub profile https://github.com/c0n5n3d/SecuCODE and follow the instructions for submitting a PR. We appreciate your interest and thank you in advance for your contributions!