
Primary LanguageElixir

🏎️ LapHub 🏁

Welcome to our open source racing telemetry hub software! If you find bugs please feel free to report them.


Language dependencies

We use asdf for managing language dependencies for this project. If you want to use it / check it out, here are their getting started docs. With asdf installed, getting the languages setup is as easy as running $ asdf install in the repo. Alternatively, install the versions of erlang and elixir described in this repositories .tool-versions file.

Dev dependencies

  • Run mix setup to install and setup project dependencies

Running the base station

In your terminal, run iex -S mix and then in the iex console, run:


it should print stuff

For the server, top pane, you shouldn't need to restart it, but if you do, run iex -S mix phx.server



  • make series toggleable
  • only fetch series that are needed


alias Laphub.Repo
alias Laphub.Laps.{Sesh, ActiveSesh, Timeseries}

{:ok, pid} = Repo.get(Sesh, 5) |> ActiveSesh.get_or_start

s = ActiveSesh.stream(pid, "rpm", fn ts ->


  • dashboard create/save/DND interface