trivial generator for ids which are unique within an application
NPM users: please consider the Github README for the latest description of this package (as updating the docs would otherwise always require a new NPM package version)
Just a small note: if you like this module and plan to use it, consider "starring" this repository (you will find the "Star" button on the top right of this page), so that I know which of my repositories to take most care of.
may be used as an ECMAScript module (ESM), a CommonJS or AMD module or from a global variable.
You may either install the package into your build environment using NPM with the command
npm install locally-unique-id-generator
or load the plain script file directly
<script src=""></script>
How to access the package depends on the type of module you prefer
- ESM (or Svelte):
import newUniqueId from 'locally-unique-id-generator'
- CommonJS:
const newUniqueId = require('locally-unique-id-generator')
- AMD:
require(['locally-unique-id-generator'], (newUniqueId) => {...})
Alternatively, you may access the global variable newUniqueId
For Svelte it is recommended to import the package within a module context:
<script context="module">
import newUniqueId from 'locally-unique-id-generator'
console.log('next unique id:',newUniqueId())
Let's assume that you already "required" or "imported" (or simply loaded) the module according to your local environment. In that case, you may use it as follows:
console.log('next unique id:',newUniqueId())
From time to time, it may be necessary to generate unique ids (e.g., for the ids of data lists in a web page). This module provides a trivial solution for this problem by using a counter to generate ids of the form uid-<counter>
. Within the same application, such keys are guaranteed to be unique (unless more than 2^53 of them are created while that application is running) - but only while the application is running: as soon as the application is restarted, the counter starts from 0 again.
If you need universally unique ids, you should better generate UUIDs/GUIDs of type 4 (see below)
This package offers a JavaScript default
export, which may be imported (or required
) as shown in the "Access" section above.
With such an import, the JavaScript API can be used as follows:
- returns a new, unique literal id of the formuid-<counter>
with "counter" starting at 1
An example is available on the Svelte REPL - feel free to play with it!
UUIDs/GUIDs of type 4 may be easily created using the following code:
function newUUID ():string {
let Id = '', IdPart
IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffffffff).toString(16)
Id += IdPart + '00000000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-'
IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffff).toString(16)
Id += IdPart + '0000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-4'
IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xfff).toString(16)
Id += IdPart + '000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-'
IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0x3fff+0x8000).toString(16)
Id += IdPart + '-'
IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffffffffffff).toString(16)
Id += IdPart + '000000000000'.slice(IdPart.length)
return Id.toLowerCase()
provided that cryptographic uniqueness is not required.
You may easily build this package yourself.
Just install NPM according to the instructions for your platform and follow these steps:
- either clone this repository using git or download a ZIP archive with its contents to your disk and unpack it there
- open a shell and navigate to the root directory of this repository
- run
npm install
in order to install the complete build environment - execute
npm run build
to create a new build
You may also look into the author's build-configuration-study for a general description of his build environment.