
Basic youtube-dl setup in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A basic setup for youtube-dl with python


(ideally use a virtual environment / venv)

pip install youtube-dl

Add some channels / videos/ usernames to youtube list in _example_config.py and rename to config.py

Use media string to select whether to trigger download of ('v')video-with-audio and/or ('a')audio-only

# eg.
        'https://www.youtube.com/channel/yasdkjfasjdfjkls',  # channel url
        'ChannelAlias',                                      # channel alias / save folder
        'va',                                                # save video-with-audio + audio-only files
        'SomeChannelName',  # channel name
        None,               # use channel name as alias
        'v'                 # save video-with-audio file

Run Archon

python archon.py

Purge Duplicates

Removes older versions of video files that have the same name and almost identical file sizes


pip install pymediainfo
pip install recordtype

Run Purge Duplicates

python purge-duplicates.py