Run with python -m src. No environment is needed.

Logging here is configured to do the following:

  1. Logs from the last run are saved in logs folder. Whereas accumulated historical logs are in history_logs folder.
  2. Main logs are logged into src.log file, and logs with detailed information from auxiliary modules can be found in the auxiliary (detailed) log files. Both, main and detailed logs are streamed into stdout.

Followed the exampled from here https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging-cookbook.html#using-logging-in-multiple-modules.

Минусы этого решения:

  1. В консоль печатается лог "NEW RUN" во время импорта вспомогательных модулей.
  2. В файлах .log вспомогательных модулей не всегда на будет понятно, из какого места была вызвана функция библиотеки.