
Benchmarks for different fit file parsing libraries

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Benchmarking of a few Fit file parsing libraries

ConnectStats is an iOS application that displays and analyse workout saved in Garmin or Strava. Since it started using the new Garmin Health API, the core input files where in the FIT Format or Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer.

Both ConnectStats and its backend server need to process large amount of diverse fit files and need to extract the information quite generically. The initial implementation I used derived from the cpp sdk was actually quite slow and the experience on the app was noticeably bad for users while a file was processed.

ConnectStats now uses a swift library that does the core parsing in c using the official c sdk and that was much faster, and the user experience and performance now on the app is very acceptable.

The ConnectStats backend server also need to process fit files and, given the server is implemented in php, it uses phpFITFileAnalysis.php.

As the swift library used by the FitFileParser was moved to a Swift Package, I came accross another swift library, and it also opened up the possibility to use the swift library on linux for the server, should that be faster than the php implementation.

This lead to a quick benchmarking of the different libraries. We'll review swift/cpp/php and python as I used python quite a bit and if fast enough could be used on the server

Fit Parsing Libraries compared

(*) thanks to karaul for the javascript help and tormoder for the go contribution.


The benchmarking was done with two file corresponding to ConnectStats use. A fairly representative fit file of a 1h run (sample.fit). And an extreme case file of a 12h ultra marathon (large.fit). One should easily be able to adapt the test to the kind of files relevant for their use case.

The tests where run on a 2017 iMac. You should be able to run them for yourself by executing make in the root directory of the project or run the code from the xcodeproject included.

The fastest library ended up being the one combining c and swift FitFileParser. Interestingly, and a bit surprisingly to me, the php library phpFITFileAnalysis.php ended up very fast as well.

Given the two fastest library are the one used in practice by ConnectStats and its server, it won't be necessary to make any changes.

Time reported inside the tool

language command file time Library
go fit sample.fit 0.007 seconds fit
swift/c fitparser .fast sample.fit 0.037 seconds FitFileParser
php fitanalysis.php sample.fit 0.110 seconds phpFITFileAnalysis.php
swift/c fitparser .generic sample.fit 0.214 seconds FitFileParser
swift fitprotocol sample.fit 0.475 seconds FitDataProtocol
cpp fitsdkcpp sample.fit 0.557 seconds Official cpp SDK
objc/cpp fitsdkobjc sample.fit 0.467 seconds Official objc SDK
python fitfitdecode.py sample.fit 0.889 seconds fitdecode
javascript fit-file-parser.js sample.fit 1.025 seconds fit-file-parser.js
python fitfitparse.py sample.fit 1.121 seconds python-fitparse
go fit large.fit 0.052 seconds fit
swift/c fitparser .fast large.fit 0.475 seconds FitFileParser
swift/c fitparser .generic large.fit 1.475 seconds FitFileParser
php fitanalysis.php large.fit 5.979 seconds phpFITFileAnalysis.php
swift fitprotocol large.fit 6.763 seconds FitDataProtocol
objc/cpp fitsdkobjc large.fit 9.412 seconds Official objc SDK
python fitfitdecode.py large.fit 9.414 seconds fitdecode
javascript fit-file-parser.js large.fit 10.505 seconds fit-file-parser.js
cpp fitsdkcpp large.fit 11.147 seconds Official cpp SDK
python fitfitparse.py large.fit 11.420 seconds python-fitparse

Time accross architecture

Here is a comparison of running the parsing benchmark across a few architecture. The primary use case for the library being ConnectStats on iPhone, so here the benchmarks is compared accross an intel Macbook pro 16'' 2019, Apple Silicon Macbook Air 2020 and iPhone 12 Pro. It's quite interesting that the iphone and the macbook air both beat the MacBook pro...

cpu language command file time
macbook pro intel i9 swift/c fitparser .fast sample.fit 0.034 seconds
macbook air M1 swift/c fitparser .fast sample.fit 0.022 seconds
iPhone 12 Pro swift/c fitparser .fast sample.fit 0.024 seconds
macbook pro intel i9 swift/c fitparser .generic sample.fit 0.174 seconds
macbook air M1 swift/c fitparser .generic sample.fit 0.120 seconds
iPhone 12 Pro swift/c fitparser .generic sample.fit 0.127 seconds
macbook pro intel i9 swift/c fitparser .fast large.fit 0.510 seconds
macbook air M1 swift/c fitparser .fast large.fit 0.335 seconds
iPhone 12 Pro swift/c fitparser .fast large.fit 0.327 seconds
macbook pro intel i9 swift/c fitparser .generic large.fit 1.486 seconds
macbook air M1 swift/c fitparser .generic large.fit 1.042 seconds
iPhone 12 Pro swift/c fitparser .generic large.fit 1.097 seconds