
Opinionated setup of python flask application with static analysis, deployment and testing

Primary LanguagePython

Flask opinionated


Follow The Flask Mega-Tutorial Part I: Hello, World!

Pip requirements

Don't add packages to requirements.txt, instead add them to requirements.in.

pip-tools is used to manage requirements and it generates requirements.txt based on requirements.in

Local Development

Application runs on port 12121

For local development use ./develop_using.sh.

Above script also formats and fixes code.


Makefile is used to run various tasks. Run make to get a list of tasks.

Currently supported tasks

venv:   Setup virtual environment
run:    Run flask app
debug:  Debug flask app
uwsgi:  Run flask app in uwsgi
test:   Run tests and fail if coverage is not met
format: Format and fix python code
lint:   Run static analysis with flake8, pylint, bandit and mypy
help:   List make tasks which are documented, doc string starts with #:

docker-run: Run app in docker

