Language services for CSS, LESS and SCSS
The vscode-css-languageservice contains the language smarts behind the CSS, LESS and SCSS editing experience of Visual Studio Code and the Monaco editor.
- doValidation analyses an input string and returns syntax and lint errros.
- doComplete provides completion proposals for a given location.
- doHover provides a hover text for a given location.
- findDefinition finds the definition of the symbol at the given location.
- findReferences finds all references to the symbol at the given location.
- findDocumentHighlights finds all symbols connected to the given location.
- findDocumentSymbols provides all symbols in the given document
- doCodeActions evaluats code actions for the given location, typically to fix a problem.
- findColorSymbols evaluates all color symbols in the given document
- doRename renames all symbols connected to the given location.
npm install --save vscode-css-languageservice
export interface LanguageService {
configure(raw: LanguageSettings): void;
doValidation(document: TextDocument, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Diagnostic[];
parseStylesheet(document: TextDocument): Stylesheet;
doComplete(document: TextDocument, position: Position, stylesheet: Stylesheet): CompletionList;
doHover(document: TextDocument, position: Position, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Hover;
findDefinition(document: TextDocument, position: Position, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Location;
findReferences(document: TextDocument, position: Position, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Location[];
findDocumentHighlights(document: TextDocument, position: Position, stylesheet: Stylesheet): DocumentHighlight[];
findDocumentSymbols(document: TextDocument, stylesheet: Stylesheet): SymbolInformation[];
doCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range, context: CodeActionContext, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Command[];
findColorSymbols(document: TextDocument, stylesheet: Stylesheet): Range[];
doRename(document: TextDocument, position: Position, newName: string, stylesheet: Stylesheet): WorkspaceEdit;
export interface LanguageSettings {
validate?: boolean;
lint?: any;
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