

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Step 1 - Clone this repository Step 2 - Replace the bot token in line number 10 and 14 Step 3 - Install module of Python

pip3 install python-telegram-bot pip3 install requests pip3 install telegram

Step 4 - python3 TelegramBot.py

Step 5 - Go to your bot in telegram and give the first command /hello


Step 1- install Slack app

Step 2 - Go to APPS in slack and search for HUBOT [ Hubot is an app given by slack ]

Step 3 - Give the name to bot and save the token

Step 4 - Install node in your laptop

Step 5 - Execute the commands from slides

Step 6 - npm install -g yo generator-hubot

Step 7 - yo hubot

Add your values --> EMAIL ID / ADAPTER -> slack / Botname/desc - your bot name in salck

Step 8 - Hit the below command to start your bot

HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=TOEKN ./bin/hubot --adapter slack