# sqs2QE_VASP Converts bestsqs.out generated by mcsqs of ATAT package to Quantum-Espresso and VASP format. This bash script converts bestsqs.out generated by mcsqs of ATAT package file to POSCAR, vasp format and pwscf.in Quantum-Espresso format. This script requires BLAS and LAPACK libraries. Written by Rajendra Adhikari, Kathmandu Univeristy, Dhulikhel Kavre Nepal email: rajendra.adhikari@ku.edu.np Date: 01/21/2016 I always welcome your feedback and suggestions about this script # ##### This script may NOT work out of the box ##### Please change the relevent variables first before use. It is the responsibility of researcher to check the code before using it for production purpose(s).
Converts bestsqs.out generated by mcsqs of ATAT package to Quantum-Espresso and VASP format.