
run in the root dir

pip install -e .


Representation of an abstract simplicial complex as a tree datastructure in Python3.

Usage - Assuming python3.5+, should work for any python3

from tda import abst_simplcl_cmplx

## Initialize an abstract simplicial complex
simplicial_complex = abst_simplcl_cmplx.ASC(
          vertices = [abst_simplcl_cmplx.Vertex(label = "Cow"), abst_simplcl_cmplx.Vertex(label = "Rabbit"),
                      abst_simplcl_cmplx.Vertex(label = "Rabbit")])
## Add some connections
simplicial_complex.add_connections(("Cow", "Rabbit"))
simplicial_complex.add_connections(("Cow", "Horse"))
simplicial_complex.add_connections(("Rabbit", "Horse"))
simplicial_complex.add_connections(("Cow", "Rabbit", "Horse"))

## Return back the 2-simplex just inserted above

Run tests

python3 -m unittest discover tests/ -v