
Primary LanguageCairoMIT LicenseMIT


RSA verification according to the RSA Sha256 Pkcs1.5 signature standard in Cairo.


This library makes use of the biguint Cairo library (GitHub), which allows for integers of arbitrary size. With felts having a max size of 251 bits, the biguint library supports storing numbers up to base 125. We use base 120 as it is the largest multiple of 8 supported (and this allows us to more easily compare chunks of 8 bit words with the 120 bit limbs). We use thebiguint library to store an unbounded unsigned integer in base 120 as a list of felts with least significant digits first and terminated with EON (-1).

Note: to convert an integer into its biguint base 120 representation, use the num_to_int function from biguint_tools.py.


func rsaVerify{range_check_ptr, bitwise_ptr : BitwiseBuiltin*}(n: felt*, s: felt*, message: felt*, message_len: felt, e: felt, key_size: felt)


  • n -- RSA modulus as a felt* for a biguint in base 120
  • s -- RSA signature to be verified as a felt* for a biguint in base 120
  • message -- the signed message, split into (up to) 14 words of 32 bits (big endian)
  • message_len -- the byte length of the message
  • e -- RSA exponent as a felt
  • key_size -- the size of the modulus and signature in bits

For example (with n, s, and e stored in input.json):

let (local hello_world) = alloc()
assert hello_world[0] = 'hell'
assert hello_world[1] = 'o wo'
assert hello_world[2] = 'rld\x00' # Note the '\x00' padding.

	import sys, os
	cwd = os.getcwd()
	from biguint_tools import int_to_num
	n =  int(program_input['modulus'], 16)
	e =  int(program_input['exponent'], 16)
	s =  int(program_input['signature'], 16)
	ids.e = e
	ids.s = segments.gen_arg(int_to_num(s))
	ids.n = segments.gen_arg(int_to_num(n))

rsaVerify(n = n, s = s, message = hello_world, message_len = 11, e = e, key_size = 1024)


As the biguint library is in Cairo 0.8, this library is also in Cairo 0.8 for now.

To compile the test, run:

cairo-compile rsaTest.cairo --output rsa_compiled.json

To execute the test, run:

cairo-run --program=rsa_compiled.json --print_output  --program_input=input.json --print_info --layout=all