
This is a fork of FreeRTOS v10.2.1 providing support for mips32(mips32r2-mips32r6), mips64r6, microMIPS and nanoMIPS ISA.

Primary LanguageC


This is a fork of FreeRTOS providing support for:

  • mips32 compliant cores from mip32r2 to mips32r6,
  • mips64r6,
  • microMIPS and nanoMIPS ISA.


This port is dependent on features provided by Codescape SDK. To get the latest version visit the following website:


You must use SDK v1.3 or higher.

Or if you're just installing the tools on their own, it must be v2015.06-xx or higher.


  • Uses FreeRTOS V10.2.1
  • Generic Demo for mips32 archs (mip32r2 to mips32r6)
  • Generic Demo for mips64r6
  • Specific LwIP Demos for both CI40 and Xilinx NEXYS4DDR FPGA boards

Generic Demo - 64bit

The generic demo is tested on Boston FPGA board with bitfile supporting I6500 processor (mips64r6).

Building the demo:

cd FreeRTOS/Demo/MIPS64_GCC
make I6500_boston

Demo run instructions are available in README.txt

Generic Demo - 32bit

The generic demo is highly configurable and thus is configured via a config file, see FreeRTOS/Demo/MIPS32_GCC/configs (any new configs added must be stored here).

Building the demo:

cd FreeRTOS/Demo/MIPS32_GCC
make defaultconfig

LWIP Based Demo

Note: The Xilinx NEXYS4DDR FPGA board must be programmed with a suitable bitfile supporting a MIPS m14kc processor.

Building the Demo for the CI40 target:

cd FreeRTOS/Demo/lwIP_MIPS_GCC/CI40/
ARCH=interaptiv INTS=eic GIC_BASE_ADDRESS=0x1BDC0000 make

Building the Demo for the mipsFPGA target:

cd FreeRTOS/Demo/lwIP_MIPS_GCC/mipsFPGA/
ARCH=m14kc make

NOTE: The compiler must be in your path. You'll need mips-mti-elf- toolchain for mips32r2-r5 targets and mips-img-elf- for mips32r6/mips64r6 targets. E.g. for mips64r6:

export MIPS_ELF_ROOT=/opt/imgtec/Toolchains/mips-img-elf/2017.10-08/bin