po self.var
expression self.var = false
e NSString *$globalConstant = @"What's up"
• Set one breakpoint that enables another: put that in the expression command in the debugger line of the breakpoint:
breakpoint set --one-shot true --name "-[UILabel setText:]"
po $arg1 - is receiver
po (SEL)$arg2 - is the selector
po $arg3 - is the first argument
thread jump --by 2 - move to lines forward
thread jump 100 - move to line 23
thread return - instantly executes returns, rest of the method doesn't get executed
In the variable navigator, you can set 'Watch' which will auto-break when the variable is changed. Using LLDB:
watchpoint set variable _currentModel->_title
watchpoint list - list of watchpoints
watchpoint delete 1 - delete watchpoint at the position 1 in watpoints list
po [self.view recursiveDescription]
e (void)[CATransaction flush]
• Open a UIImage, CGImageRef, UIView, CALayer, NSData (of an image), UIColor, CIColor, or CGColorRef in Preview.app on your Mac.
visualize self.searchBar
• Show or hide the given view or layer. You don't even have to continue the process to see the changes!
show/hide self.view