
ASP.NET 5 and Angular 2 SPA Template

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Angular 2 application with ASP.NET 5


Getting Started

The application is built on rc1 of ASP.NET 5, refer to http://docs.asp.net to install.

  1. Fork and clone the site

  2. Run npm install

  3. Run dnu restore to restore the .NET dependencies

  4. Open a terminal window and execute npm run tsc, this starts the TypeScript compiler

  5. Open a second terminal window and execute npm start. This command runs the gulp build task, then starts nodemon for dnx web. The nodemon process will watch for any changes to the C# code and/or JavaScript files (transpiled from tsc) and restart then kestrel server.

  6. Open http://localhost:5000

Using Visal Studio 2015

To open in VS you need to open using the git connector.

screen shot 2015-11-21 at 8 46 44 am

Then open the project.json file. Be sure to have the ASPNET 5 file/project type selected.

screen shot 2015-11-21 at 8 47 23 am

a Before Build step to have the gulp tasks run and build/compile the typescript and angular 2 project portions if you are just going to F5.

*** note that there is bug in the VS tooling for restoring the @reactivex/rxjs npm package use the command line tool and npm install to get the npm packages restored