
Primary LanguageNginxMIT LicenseMIT

Using lua in nginx


clone repo

bash install_nginx.sh

Above command will install LuaJIT and Nginx(with Lua) in current directory.

Make sure that all dependencies of Nginx are installed, a test installation of Nginx can be done to test it.

Once the script finishes, 4 folders will be created in current directory

  1. LuaJIT
    • LuaJIT will be installed in this path
  2. lua-resty-redis-0.26
    • Lus module for redis.
    • This path will be included in the nginx config also.
  3. nginx
    • nginx installation directory
  4. packages
    • Contains all packages downloaded during installation.

Running Nginx

sudo ./nginx/sbin/nginx

This starts nginx with its default configuration.

Refer nginx.conf and make the required changes in the config file ./nginx/conf/nginx.conf

Using with redis

refer nginx.conf for detailed comments

redis-cli: SET qazxswe "/assets/a/interlaced/IPHONE5.ts"

> curl http://localhost/query/qazxswe will output /assets/a/interlaced/IPHONE5.ts