
Various AcriveMQ Demos

Primary LanguageScala


Please consult the setup instructions further below.

  • jms-jndi Very simple demo showing use of jndi.properties and dynamicQueues
  • request-response Basic Request-Response MEP implementation (uses scala-spring for JMS templates). Only one of the sent messages is correlated, to illustrate it works. Run the consumer first
  • broker-network Demo which sets up a network of three brokers. Then sending on to broker1 and receiving on broker2 and broker3. Use setupBroker1AndSendMessage(None) to setup the brokers without a network to see the difference. Jolokia enabled; connect using Hamtio Chrome extension (port: 8777, path : /jolokia, username/password: smx/xms:
  • wildcards shows how messages sent to "demo.news.europe|asia|etc" are received using demo.news.*
  • virtual-topics illustrates a Queue receiver on a topic.
  • exclusive-consumer demonstrates exclusive consumption on a queue.
  • composite-destination You need to manually copy/paste the composite destination into the activemq configuration file (see composite-queue.conf.xml). Then run the client (using maven) and observe the queue size in hawtio
  • fail-over Run the two brokers using the sbt-activemq plugin. You can eiher start them in the same sbt process or in separate processes (which makes killing the broker possible).
  • stomp-telnet has its own README.md
  • websockets has its own README.md
  • embedded-broker Showing embedde brokers as well as demonstrating jdbc journalled persistence. Has its own README.md
  • mqtt Illustrates use of mqtt protocol. Has its own README.md


These demos have been developed and tested with ActiveMQ 5.10, Java 7-8 and SBT 0.13.5.


You could run against the standalone version, or prepare a kara instance. The instructions for setting up your karaf instance are below.