
Ruby quickstart examples

Primary LanguageRuby

DocuSign Quick Start examples for Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Repository: qs-ruby

These quick start examples provide straight-forward code examples for quickly trying the DocuSign eSignature API with the Ruby SDK.

The repo includes:

  1. Embedding a signing ceremony in your web application. Source.
  2. Sending a signing request via an email to the signer. Source.
  3. Listing the envelopes in the user's account, including their status. Source.

These examples do not include authentication. Instead, use the DocuSign DevCenter's OAuth token generator to create an access token.

For a Ruby on Rails code example launcher, including Omniauth authentication via the Authorization Code Grant flow and 14 workflow code examples, see the eg-03-ruby-auth-code-grant repository.

For a Ruby JWT authentication example, see the eg-01-ruby-jwt repository.

For more information, see the DocuSign DevCenter Code Examples section.


This example uses Ruby version 2.5.3 but will work with many other versions of Ruby.

Download or clone this repository to a file directory. Then:

cd qs-ruby
bundler install

Configure the example's settings

Each quick start example is a standalone file. You will configure each of the example files by setting the variables at the top of each file:

  • Access token: Use the OAuth Token Generator. To use the token generator, you'll need a free DocuSign Developer's account.

    Each access token lasts 8 hours, you will need to repeat this process when the token expires. You can use the same access token for multiple examples.

  • Account Id: After logging into the DocuSign Sandbox system, you can copy your Account Id from the dropdown menu by your name. See the figure:


  • Signer name and email: Remember to try the DocuSign signing ceremony using both a mobile phone and a regular email client.

Configure the access token, account id, and your email address in each of the three files:

  1. embedded_signing_controller.rb
  2. send_envelope_controller.rb
  3. list_envelopes_controller.rb

Run the examples launcher

rails s

Then use your web browser to navigate to http://localhost:3000

Support, Contributions, License

Submit support questions to StackOverflow. Use tag docusignapi.

Contributions via Pull Requests are appreciated. All contributions must use the MIT License.

This repository uses the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.